Book Review: Maurice and Maralyn, Sophie Elmhirst

An eminently readable and accessible account of an extraordinary experience, rendered with clarity and precision; for me, however, it seemed to sacrifice the drama and horror of the events.

Teaser Tuesday, The Body, A Guide for Occupants by Bill Bryson

Beware, the squeamish! This teaser contains (written) images of the inside of, well, us! One of my brief forays into non-fiction and popular science. But, as an erstwhile barrister who has on occasion been instructed to witness a post mortem, this particular extract seems very accurately described. “Feel this,” Dr. Ben Ollivere is saying to… Continue reading Teaser Tuesday, The Body, A Guide for Occupants by Bill Bryson

Top Five Saturday: Books with Maps

Top Five Saturday is a meme hosted by Devouring Books to discover and share books that all have a common theme. Previously, the focus has included witches, werewolves, thrillers, faeries, fairy tale re-tellings, high fantasy and many more. This week's theme is books with maps in them and there is one obvious and iconic mapped… Continue reading Top Five Saturday: Books with Maps

The Salt Path, Raynor Winn

Part memoir, part nature book, part social commentary, The Salt Path kind of fails to be any one thing. Had it not had a local interest for me, I am not sure that I would actually have finished it! The local section came - obviously - towards the end. It was a Sunday Times best… Continue reading The Salt Path, Raynor Winn

30 Day Book Challenge: Day Nine!

Today's category - I'm going to be upfront and honest - is one I don't understand and I am confused by. The category is Favourite book to give as a gift. And I do give books as gifts. Frequently.  I've given Eleanor Oliphant is Perfectly Fine by Gail Honeyman, Half a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda… Continue reading 30 Day Book Challenge: Day Nine!

Etymologicon and The Elements of Eloquence, Mark Forsyth

These are not worth separate blog posts: same basic book written in the same basic style about the same basic themes.  Which sounds terribly dismissive but shouldn't: as a self-confessed language geek who's alert to the absurdity and beauty of our mongrel mother tongue, these books were a delightful treat.and a little like talking to… Continue reading Etymologicon and The Elements of Eloquence, Mark Forsyth

H is for Hawk, Helen Macdonald

I mostly read fiction: an escapist flight from the same rigours of the real world - work, a beautiful but demanding three-year old - that have kept me from keeping up-to-date with my reviews! So this book has languished on my kindle to-be-read pile for a while. A pretty long while. Which just goes to… Continue reading H is for Hawk, Helen Macdonald