Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read List

Welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday - a week where I have finished two books and am a fair way into another two, or three if you include Fiore sopra l'inferno which I am reading in Italian... sometimes I am studying it for the language and carefully making notes and new vocabulary; other times I am just reading it as a novel. It is slow going though! This week's post is a regular seasonal glance at my to-read list... and I offer my usual caveat that I don't really do to-read lists, being a complete mood reader. But these are currently the books that I am hoping to read over the next few weeks and then over the long summer vacation!

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the First Half of 2024

The upcoming year holds promise with several anticipated book releases from beloved and potential new favorite authors. From Kiley Reid's "Come and Get It" to Natasha Pulley's "The Mars House," a diverse array of intriguing plots and characters await. The year promises to be a great one for readers!