Top Ten Tuesday:  Book Titles That Would Make Great Newspaper Headlines

This is a fun little topic! There are some parallels between headlines and book titles I suppose: they both summarise a longer text, intending to grab the attention of the reader in a crowded market, neither can reveal too much or give spoilers... But there is a great tradition - certainly in the more lurid redtops in the UK - of inventive and over-the-top sensationalist headlines.

Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Summer 2023 To-Read List

This week's Top Ten theme is a look forward to the books on our TBRs for the summer - those books that will fill up the long six weeks of the summer vacation, books that will be taken to the beach with us, to the parks, to gardens. For me, books that will come with me and my family to Rome on our first 'proper' foreign holiday ... ever. Unless you count EuroDisney which I don't: EuroDisney was great but so unreal that it really didn't feel like visiting France in any way! With next week's theme looking at books to be released in the second half of the year - and I love the chance to research upcoming books - I'm going to limit my list this week to the ten books that I currently own but have not yet read.