Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Was Super Excited to Get My Hands on but Still Haven’t Read

There are so many reasons why books get left behind, lost in the meandering paths of the to-be-read pile, superceded by other releases and purchases, swamped by life and family and work commitments. Or perhaps you do pick them up but they don't chime with your mood at that point or your expectations... So, this Tuesday, let's take a gander at those books that I was excited about but which - for whatever reason - I have not read...

Top Ten Tuesday: Book Covers In the Colors of My Country’s Flag

I do love these cover-themed topics, because they pull together a very random selection of books and are a chance to remind ourselves of books we have loved but half-forgotten, or perhaps books that piqued our interest but then never got read... but maybe that's just me! But in terms of colours for this week's theme, it is the classic red, white and blue...

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the First Half of 2023

Overall, 2023 looks like almost all of my favourite authors have new books coming out! A fantastic array of exciting new novels from a parade of wonderful writers! It's looking like a good year!